The School of Life summarized their credo recently, but instead of posting the 6-page article, I have summarized what I think are the bare-bones, and I plan to post it on one of my kitchen cabinet doors!
- No one is wholly right or wholly wrong.
- We are inherently flawed; perfection is beyond us. The alternative to perfection is not failure, but being “good enough.”
- No one is normal, or totally sane. Therefore, we should warn those close to us of our particular insanities and be compassionate of theirs.
- It should be liberating to know we are not the center of anything.
- Vulnerability is an asset. We are all idiots. Therefore, we should accept our idiocy, be slow to judge, and quick to understand and forgive other idiots.
- No one should expect to be loved “as is.” Learning and developing are at the core of love. We can help each other become our best. Compatibility isn’t a prerequisite for love; it is the achievement of love.
- Our memories are sieves, not robust buckets. For this reason, we need to go back over things.
- We should be allowed to be sad. Seldom does anything go entirely well. But we can learn to be grateful for what is good, whenever, wherever and in whatever doses it comes.