Jonathan Fields is a lawyer, author, and entrepreneur whose mission is to help organizations cultivate better workplace environments and create the cultural shifts needed in time of uncertainty.
I read his weekly column The Good Life Project and often listen to his podcast interviews. Below is an excerpt from this week’s post. I am offering it here because we often watch the news but don’t know how we might participate in making a difference. Jonathan has provided the resources.
Excerpt from May 29, 2020, The Good Life Project
I’d planned on speaking to this next week in conjunction with the release of a powerful podcast conversation on the topic of race. But, it feels like time is of the essence. I shared some thoughts on my Instagram account this week about the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, and feel compelled to not wait and, instead, offer them here today as well:
We need to see and say their names. Ahmaud Arbery. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd. To acknowledge their humanity, and how it was taken. The injustice. The devastation. The heartbreak. Silence and complacency are not an option.
I’ve too often stayed quiet out of fear of saying or doing the “wrong” thing or causing harm with my words. Truth is, I have before, and will say the wrong thing. I have made and will make mistakes. It’s not about me, or my unease or fear, or need to make amends. Nor should these concerns be a barrier to action, or something to center conversation or energy around. That’s for me to work through individually. What matters is how I, we, become a part of the solution.
Some immediate actions that can be taken: Text ‘Floyd’ to 55156 to demand #justiceforfloyd. Call the Minneapolis Mayor @jacobfrey1 at (612) 673-2100 and the FBI field office in Minneapolis at (763) 569-8000 and ask for prosecution. Support @grassrootslaw via @theactionpac or @splcenter or other organizations. Visit RunwithMaud.com and StandwithBre.com to learn more and take action.
Then, go further. While these horrific events are based on individual actions, they all happen against the backdrop of systemic racism. That will not change without education and action. Be proactive, seek out, and invest in the writings, programs, insights, and offerings from people like @austinchanning, @laylafsaad, @rachel.cargle, @ibramxk,
@zenchangeangel, and many others leading the way to wisdom, conversation, and action.
I don’t have anything resembling all, let alone even some, of the answers. But, I do know silence and complacency are not among them.