The hedonic buffet
Every day around 3 pm, my dog takes a nap. As far as dogs go, he has a ton of available options. He could hang in the backyard, chase a squirrel, whatever. But in that moment, every day, the choice with the most benefit for him appears to be a nap.
We’re not that different.
Except times a billion.
In any given moment, you could read a blog like this one. Or watch a video. Or check your email. Or send an email. Or…
We choose.
We choose to see what Wolf Blitzer thinks is breaking news. We choose to have an argument or send a compliment. We do it largely out of habit, and our habit is grooved by countless choices in countless moments that came before.
Like the buffet, it probably won’t make you happier to keep loading your plate up simply because you can.
Our best path usually begins by acknowledging that we do, in fact, have a choice.