I Want to Write Something So Simply
Mary Oliver
I want to write something
so simply
about love
or about pain
that even
as you are reading
you feel it
and as you read
you keep feeling it
and though it be my story
it will be common,
though it be singular
it will be known to you
so that by the end
you will think –
no, you will realize –
that is was all the while
yourself arranging the words,
that is was all the time
words that you yourself,
out of your own heart
had been saying.
The Willies
by Billy Collins
There is no known cure for them,
unlike the heeby-jeebies
or the shakes
which Russian vodka and a hot bath
will smooth out.
The drifties can be licked
though the vapors often spell trouble
The whips-and-jangles
go away in time. So do the fantods.
And good company will put the blues
to flight
and do much to relieve the flips
the quivers and the screamies.
But the willies are another matter.
Anything can give them to you:
electric chairs, raw meat, manta rays,
public restrooms, a footprint,
and every case of the willies
is a bad one.
Living Thru Things
Mark Nepo
When wiggling through a hole
the world looks different than
when scrubbed clean by the wiggle
and looking back.
Dear Readers,
May we all make it through and look back.
Vicki P